Sunday Morning Worship
We gather together at Nicolson Square and online for worship every Sunday at 11am the service is broadcast live on our YouTube channel or can be watched there later. Church members can join in the service by Zoom.
Wednesday Evening Worship
We gather together online for worship every Wednesday at 8pm. Church members can join in the service by Zoom.

Daily Prayers Together

Monday to Friday 8am and 6pm
15 minutes of prayer via Zoom
The Chapel is available for quiet reflection, a shared prayer or church gatherings whenever the building is open.

One of our privileges in being a Church is that we can be there to share with people as they go through both the happy and the more difficult times of life. These events are obviously personal, so we would always encourage you to get in touch so we can talk in person and discuss how we can help.
We have a lovely, bright space here at Nicolson Square which is in central Edinburgh. Our church is a versatile space with flexible seating arrangements. Including the Gallery space, we can seat up to 250 people, but we can also set up for a smaller, more intimate wedding as required. Photographs are welcome both inside and outside.
You will have plenty of opportunity to discuss the service in detail with the Minister. Some people like to write the major part of the service themselves, others like to use standard forms of words. Please note that there are some parts of the service that you must have, by law, for the marriage to be legal.

We have a state-of-the-art Mixtuur virtual organ or a baby grand piano for your use. You can ask our Musical Director, about your musical choices. The church is fully-equipped with regard to AV facilities.
Details and procedure – Legal requirements for getting married in Edinburgh
Baptisms take place as part of a church service, as a public declaration that your child has become part of the Church family. It is important that the Church congregation is there to support you and welcome your child.
The procedure leading up to baptism involves parents or guardians approaching the Minister to ask about Baptism. The Minister will arrange to meet with them, either in their own home or at Church. They go through the Service together, looking particularly at the promises made by parents and godparents. Godparents promise to pray and support the child and to help the parents to bring up the child in the Christian faith. It is an important and responsible role.

Baptism can happen at any age. What matters is that those concerned believe it is right to ask for baptism. Teenagers and adults may also be baptised – speak to the minister about this.
You can only be baptised once, but there are ways of renewing your commitment publicly as an adult – the minister will be able to advise. You do not have to be a regular churchgoer. The Church believes that God’s love is available to all, regardless of background. We can talk you through the options: you may prefer to have a Thanksgiving service first and then consider baptism when you have had time to talk through what is being asked of you.
You may also wish to find out more about the Christian faith and what joining the Church involves before you make a decision about baptism. Again, we can give you guidance.
A funeral marks the close of someone’s life on earth. It is the opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to give thanks for a person who has now completed their journey in this world. Christians believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives them hope and cause for thanksgiving in the face of death. In this faith, we entrust those who have died to the infinite mercy and love of God. A Methodist funeral service acknowledges this hope and offers bereaved people the opportunity to remember their loved one’s life and offer them into God’s care.
If you have recently lost a loved one, we would be pleased to help and support you in what is one of the most difficult times in life. The funeral service can include music, poems, readings and other special memories.
Please contact the minister at your earliest opportunity, either directly or through your funeral director. It is a good idea to find out about the availability of the minister before booking the time and date of the funeral. You should find that the professionals in hospitals, doctor’s surgeries, register offices etc will all be helpful in taking you step-by-step through the processes you should follow.
As is usual for funerals, the minister will charge a fee for their work. This fee is often arranged through your funeral director.
What to do After a Death in Scotland (Scottish Government information)