Here at CEMC, there is lots going on! There are many opportunities to take part in worship (Sunday mornings, mid-week Bible studies/ faith groups) and social activities (craft club, etc.). Please browse below and feel free to get in touch if you’d like any more information.
Fellowship and House Groups
Church without Church
Church without Church is a housegroup for Methodists who live mainly in East Lothian. It was originally started to benefit those who were unable to attend services for reasons such as distance or family commitments but wished to maintain a connection with Nicolson Square and/or Methodism. Currently, with around 10 members, about half fulfil that description and the other half are regular attendees at Sunday worship. A member volunteers to lead each meeting and the subject is their choice. We are a friendly and welcoming group so please make contact if you would like to meet us or want further information.
Sunday evening 19.30. Frequency dependant on members availability but ideally monthly except July/August.
Online or in person at Longniddry
Val Pearce
Katherine Dalton
Tuesday Small Group
The Tuesday evening small group is facilitated by Keith Pearce and Daniel Larbi and is always open to new members. There are usually five to seven members on a weekly basis and we generally follow the four W’s structure (welcome, worship, word, witness). Please message Keith or Daniel for details about how to join; you are welcome.
Epworth Fellowship
The Epworth Fellowship meet twice a month from October to May. We have a varied programme including speakers, music recitals, and quizzes and warmly welcome men and women of all ages..
Each meeting starts with a short reflection and prayer, and finishes with tea/coffee
First and third Monday of each month, gathering from 2pm for a 2.15pm start
The Chapel
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
Irene Hague
Margaret Kilner
The group of up to 12 people gathers @theWell, Nicolson Square around 10.45 each Wednesday morning before going through to the small Chapel for ‘Christian Conversation’. This usually involves looking at some current issue from a Biblical perspective or considering how a part of the Bible might be relevant to current affairs. Discussion is usually quite free and open ended and no great knowledge is required. The aim is to offer friendship and encouragement in Christian living.
Feel free to drop in just to try it, or to join in on a regular basis.
Each Wednesday
Meet 10.45am
Conversation 11am
Prayer at 12noon
The Chapel
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
Keith Pearce
Novel & Natter Book Group
Novels and Natter is a small group of people who enjoy reading a variety of books, and getting together to share their thoughts about their reading. Our discussions are informal and, while they focus on a different book each time, conversation can be wide-ranging and is equally about getting to know each other, sharing experiences and perspectives.
There are usually around 5-6 people at each meeting and we are a friendly group, always open to new members.
We have continued to meet via Zoom as this reduces the need for travel, saving time and making attendance less dependent on mobility and transport.
Please contact Marion (facilitator) if you are interested in joining us or would like to know more.
Tuesday, about every 6 weeks, usually 11am (times and dates are agreed from one meeting to the next to suit those attending)
Online (Zoom)
Marion Hellewell
Craft group
We meet in each others homes to work on our individual projects while having a chat and then a break to enjoy some refreshments. Crafts have included knitting, tapestry, cross stitch quilting and card making.
We are always happy to welcome new members.
Please message Irene Hague for further details.
Afternoons 2pm to 4pm date by group agreement approximately every 3 weeks
Group members homes
Irene Hague
Youth & Young Adults
There are a small but very sociable number of youths and young adults at CEMC. We love to have each other over for food and enjoy sharing Christian memes. It is really lovely to be able to share your faith with someone of your own age and we would love to have new ‘younger’ people to share food, etc. with!
As agreed by group
Yours, Mine or out & about WhatsApp
The choir sings on Sunday mornings for the service and practice is every Thursday evening. The choir sings a wide range of music from Renaissance to 20th century. All welcome to come along and join. Click link for further detail
Sunday 10.30am to 12noon
Thursday 7.45pm to 9.30pm
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
Choir leader
Flower arranging

Flowers are arranged for church services and when we have fresh flowers small bouquets are wrapped afterwards for distribution by members of the congregation to those who are unwell or to members celebrating special events or anniversaries. In recent times the flower ministry continued via email with photographs of flowers or flower arrangements. We welcome anyone who would be interested in helping with flowers in church, just ask Rosemary Gold or Ruth Whelpdale for more information.
Flowers are arranged in the vestry before the service on a Sunday morning or at other times by prior arrangement
The Vestry
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
Ruth Whelpdale
Audio Visual Operator
Support the church service by hosting the zoom meeting sharing the powerpoint slides and streaming it to youtube.
Support Sunday morning and Wednesday evening worship, read out the selected bible reading. The preacher will agree the reading, chapter and verses to be read prior to the day to allow time to read the text and practice the reading.
Sunday 11am to 12noon
Wednesday 8pm to 9pm
Sunday: City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
Wednesday: via Zoom
Julie Quinn
Young Church Breakout
Sunday 11am to 12noon
Second and last Sunday of the month
Check here for changes
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
Coffee and tea serving
Following Sunday worship coffee, tea, squash or water are served with a choice of biscuit. A good opportunity to meet people and bast of all there is no washing up as the caretaker whisks all the used cups off to the dishwasher.
Sunday 12noon for about half an hour.
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
Eleanor Dixon
Occasional Activities
Various people gather when required to attend to the garden areas and planters, or others to decorate the church or chapel to suit the season. Others volunteer to usher at larger gatherings.
For the wider community
Soul Food
Soul Food Edinburgh exists to break down the divide between church community and those experiencing poverty to create space in our church communities for those who need love, support and welcome. We believe in beautiful spaces that hold long tables and delicious, homemade food. Spaces where anyone who is hungry is fed, loved, supported, seen and heard. Spaces that whisper of hope, justice and transformation, where there is always room for one more. Join us as we bless our neighbours every Monday night with generous food and conversation!
This meal is run in partnership with Edinburgh City Mission and the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church.
Monday 5:30 pm
The Well
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church
The Listening Service Edinburgh
The Listening Service is a non-judgemental voluntary service that offers time to listen and support to anyone attending Edinburgh Sheriff Court, who may find their experience difficult, stressful and confusing. Volunteers offer a minimum of 2 sessions per month. Training and support are provided.
Monday to Friday
Edinburgh Sheriff Court Chambers Street.
YMCA Edinburgh
Volunteer Board members; Trustees of YMCA Edinburgh SCIO SC048494.
CEMC and YMCA Edinburgh have always shared mission and witness activities; and this is a great opportunity for members of CEMC to contribute to the Christian mission and values of the YMCA locally within Edinburgh.
This group meets 6-7 times a year for Board meetings (usually a Tuesday evening) and 1-2 times a year with staff for strategy discussions (usually a Saturday). The constitution of the YMCA SCIO requires that up to 5 members of the Board of Trustees are members of CEMC. Board members can bring specific skills from the world of work – Human Resources, Finance, Marketing etc etc; and life experience; work and witness as disciples of Christ in the world. We are also responsible for YMCA Sunday at CEMC once per year to bring the work of YMCA to the attention of the wider congregation and share in fundraising; prayer and support for the organisation, staff, children, young people, and their families that we support in Edinburgh. This is challenging and rewarding work and new Trustees are welcome to observe at the Board before being voted in as a Trustee at the AGM in the Spring.
Other opportunities to volunteer at YMCA Edinburgh can be found here.
Tuesdays (every two months)
19:00- 21:00
Online or at
86 Great Junction Street, Edinburgh,
Judi Syson
Chair of the Board